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Atkin awards first South American perfect score to wine from “best ever” Argentina vintage

Published:  20 May, 2021

Harpers columnist and UK wine writer Tim Atkin MW has given his seal of approval to the 2019 Argentinian vintage, which he says is “the best I’ve tasted” from the country.


Numbers 2020: A black swan year

Published:  18 May, 2021

Fresh insights from Euromonitor’s annual data release shows that 2020 was a year of “unprecedented collapse” for BWS globally without the counterbalancing regional effect that buoyed markets during the 2008/9 financial crash. Jo Gilbert looks at the year’s volume figures to break down how global sectors were impacted.


Vineyard area edges back to Europe as Spain and France rise and China's growth slows

Published:  21 April, 2021

Vineyard surface area saw some subtle yet far reaching shifts in 2020, with China falling into third place behind Spain and France as EU plantings stabilise and China's plantings slow.